Full Episode Fridays: Southern Picnic | 4 Picnic Food Ideas

– Yum, yum. Hey, friends. Y'all come on
in the house with me. Today I'm getting ready. I got a friend coming over, and we're gonna have
a little picnic. Let me tell you, there's so
many fabulous places in this town to have a picnic. But Sandy and I
are just actually gonna walk out
to the dock house, and we gonna have
a little picnic out there. The first thing
I'm gonna fix us is one of my grandson,
Jack's, recipes that was in
his daddy's cookbook, "Jamie Deen's Good Food." And you flip it over, and my grandson has his recipes
in here.

So we are doing
frozen chocolate bananas from Jack's book. I thought that would
give Sandy and I a little something
sweet to eat without being loaded
with too many calories, and we won't need a spoon. I'm gonna cut these
right down the middle. And I'm just gonna
stick the stick up 'em just like that. And I'm gonna stick it up the–
Uh-oh. Kind of went crooked
with that one. Stick wanted to come out
the side of him. So I'm gonna throw these
in the freezer. Give 'em about 30 minutes. And while those are freezing, I'm gonna start
on the rest of the meal. So I'm gonna start
with some fresh asparagus.

And I'm just doing enough
for the two sandwiches, but while we're standing up
here talking about asparagus, I see a lot of people
just cut the asparagus, but I don't like
doing that way. I like snapping it, because it will snap
where it's supposed to. Now, I blanch mine in nice,
salty water. But I also put smashed garlic
in there to just kick up the flavor
of these little asparagus. So these, you don't want to
overcook 'em. It doesn't take them
but a second. And I want to shock 'em so that that color
will get nice and a vibrant green.

So I got these rolling good. 'Cause we're actually gonna do
two cookings. We're blanching 'em,
and then I'm gonna grill 'em. It's just been crazy how much people
have liked this sandwich. And you know, it's just
a little healthier if you're trying to stay away
from a lot of protein. Somebody just asked me
just then where'd the recipe come from? And you know,
I don't rightly remember. But I'm thinking my niece
actually, Kari, went to a little restaurant
down in Thomasville.

And she was telling me about
an asparagus sandwich they had. So she described it to me, and so I kind of came up
with my own thing. So this is what we got. Oh, my fruits are so pretty. You know, they're–the fruit is just coming in like crazy
off my trees. In fact, I'm gonna fix us
some lemonade to drink. The Meyer lemons, you know, I can't–
I can't recommend enough for you to put your lemon tree
in your yard, because they are just the most delicious lemon
in the world. All right. And to go with our sandwich,
I'm gonna make a rice salad. And I thought I would put it
in one of my little Mason jars, and we'd just eat it
straight out of that. So I have cooked off– I think it was
a cup of Royal rice. 'Cause I'm just making
just enough of this for Sandy and me. So this is kind of
a recipe that you just do what you want to.

You know?
It's– [laughs] And I gotta figure out
all I want to do with it. So I'm gonna take a quick break
and get my thoughts together, and then we'll come back and we'll make a nice little
rice salad. I so hope
y'all are enjoying the show. And if you do. Be sure to click like,
subscribe and notification bell so
you'll never miss a video. And we'll be
right back after the break. – Okay, so in case y'all
just found me, I want to tell you
what I'm doing. My girlfriend Sandy's
coming over, and we gonna walk out
to the dock house, and we just gonna have
a little picnic and kind of just eat out
under the sky today. And I'm doing
my grandson Jack's recipe for chocolate frozen bananas, and I'm making a rice salad.

But our entrée is gonna be
an asparagus sandwich. I'm gonna show you how we make
those sandwiches that we serve at The Lady and Sons that
everybody loves so, so much. So I'm trying to
get all this ready before Sandy gets here. And so I'm making the, um… the sauce that I'm gonna use
on my rice salad. And I think I'm gonna go ahead and just put the onion
in there. I'm not gonna put it
in my sauce, just in case I don't
like the way my sauce taste. I need a little oil. I'm gonna use just a little
vegetable oil… for this. And I'm gonna stir this up and just see what we got. Ooh, y'all,
that tastes real good. So so far,
I've got mayonnaise in it, a little vegetable oil, celery seeds, celery salt,
seasoning salt, lemon juice. And now I think I'm gonna add
just a little bit of honey to give it a little sweet. Maybe just like a tablespoon.

And I've got my green onions, and I've just cooked off
some white rice. When I was operating
just The Bag Lady, I used to make
so many rice salads. And I know I made one
chicken and rice salad with an avocado dressing. People just loved that one. You know, you don't think of–
especially Southerners, we don't think about having
a rice salad, 'cause we're usually eating it
with gravy and butter. All right. That's very good, y'all. Okay. So I'm gonna put
a boiled egg in this, and this is the way
I do my eggs. I don't chop 'em.

I just squeeze 'em. All right. And I've got some green peas, and I'm not even cooking 'em. They're just frozen green peas. Now I'm gonna put a green–
a nice, tart green apple. and I had that in Fruit Fresh, or you can put it in orange
juice, grapefruit juice, anything with some acid, 'cause I don't want my apple
to turn brown on me. So like I said,
I use a little Fruit Fresh. You buy it in the canning
section at your grocery store. And I want to find me some nice kind of cracked
black pepper. Here it is.
It's a coarse– I like using the coarse. There we go. Oh, and I want to put
some red bell pepper in it just for color. And remember, when you're
cutting your bell pepper, you know to make sure
you got it on the right side. All right.
Oh, and I got nuts up here. I'm gonna put
some nuts in it too. I think that'll be real good. You know, with a rice salad, it's just like potato salad
or pasta salad.

Just use your imagination and put the things
that your tongue likes. All right, so this is walnuts. I'm gonna put these
chopped walnuts in it. And I was starting out
doing a small salad, and look how
it's growing, y'all. Put this in our little bowls that we're gonna eat it out of. Put this in the refrigerator
and let it be chilling. I tell you what.
I'll– I'll put a little
piece of parsley up there for decoration, and we are ready to go. Now, you can't get
any easier than that. And all the things
we put in it, most people have
in their refrigerator.

That's great, isn't it? I hope
y'all are enjoying the show and I want to hear from you. Tell me what recipes or videos
you'd like to see me make by just leaving a short
comment below. Now, let's
get back to the show, y'all. – Okay, hey, y'all. I'm trying to get
our lemon juice done. I'm waiting on Sandy
to get here. She's so pretty,
and she's always late.

[whispers] I have to
tell y'all, she's al– I thought I heard
the clippity-clop of your little boots. You finally got up. – [indistinct speech] – Good morning, beautiful.
– Good morning. – I am so delighted to
introduce y'all to my friend
and my girlfriend-in-law. This is Sandy Neville, Bubba's girlfriend. And Sandy lives in Tennessee. And she actually stayed
in our little cottage out here. So you finally got up
and got in here.

But you look beautiful. – Well, I had to get my rest. [laughter] Had to get some rest. – I don't know what I'd do
without Sandy. She is so much help
in this kitchen. So I'm making us a picnic! All right, now,
I need to get started. I'm just doing us
a little frozen banana. I think I'm using a combination
of walnuts and pecans, so– – Oh.

– I want you to–I don't know if you've got a copy
of this book, but it's right in there. – Oh, okay. – You know the cookbook that Jamie and Jack
wrote together? – Yeah, I gave a copy of this
to my grandson. – Did you? – Had Jack sign it. He said he could get into that. – [laughs] Jack loves to go
to book signings with me. He loves it. Look at this banana, y'all. Doesn't that look delicious? Uh–Oh, no! Came off the stick. Okay–
– It's a beautiful book, though, isn't it? – Isn't it beautiful?
– Mm-hmm. – And that's where his little
recipe came from. All right, I'm gonna stick this
back in the freezer. And we'll pull this out last,
Sandy. – Mm.
– All right. Say, the sugar's dissolved now
real good? – It is. – Yeah, 'cause I tasted, and I threw some extra sugar
over in there. All right, so I'm gonna… just pour that in there. If you could get rid of that. Don't burn yourself. Now, we may have to– Oh, gosh, I'm mixing flavors.

I just washed my hands. I thought I–
Oh, no, am I let– I think I just poured
all the seeds in there. – Just a few.
– No, not– Yeah, just a few. You want to work on
getting those out? – Mm-hmm. – Here, how about
with that spoon? – Yeah. Perfect. – So how are the girls? – Oh, they're great. They're doing so good.
– Oh, good. Good. Sandy's got two
beautiful daughters, and she's got three
of the cutest little grandsons you have ever seen
in your life.

– Oh, yeah. – I wish you'd show 'em
the picture that's on your iPad
that I love of 'em. – Oh, yeah, with them
laying on the bed. – The three of 'em
laying in the bed. – Oh, yeah, and they just think
Aunt Paula is the bomb. – Well, I–
– They just can't understand why your picture's
on magazines. – They can't?
– They see you on– "Why–why is
Aunt Paula famous? Is she famous?" – I ask myself
the same question. [laughter] [asparagus sizzling] So I'm gonna turn that off and
let it sit for just a second. But I don't want it to
overcook. And I'm gonna come over here, and I'm gonna make
our dressing, Sandy. All right, we're ready. I've got our bread here.
– Oh. – And like I said, normally…
– That's pretty bread. – We would put this together
and toast it. And this is what we serve. We serve it on pumpernickel. So I'm just gonna be–
– Oh.

– There was a hole
in that piece of bread. [laughs]
– I see it now. It's going through. – All right. Now I take my asparagus, and I put some on there,
turning it one way, and then I turn it
the other way. So on each sandwich,
you can see the pretty spears. All right, Sandy. So there we go. We're gonna put our
provolone cheese on it. – Oh, you put cheese then. – And see, this is
when we would grill it. You know, and that cheese
kind of melt. So what are you gonna do now? – We're just gonna eat it
like this. – Like that?
– Yes. – Well, the asparagus
is still hot, so it'll melt
a little bit on it, huh? – Yeah, it'll melt
a little bit. Yes. And then we just gonna put
our onion on there. – Oh, yeah, I'm glad
that's not red onion. [laughs]
– yeah, me too. Me too. So here we go. I want to make sure
my bread matches.

Mmm. Yum. We are ready to go. Our picnic is finally ready,
y'all. And as I was saying earlier, there are so many
wonderful places to have a picnic
here in this town, starting from the beach, all the way
to one of the forts. Um, but where I'm gonna
take Sandy and y'all today on our picnic
is right here in our backyard. Let's go, Sister,
we got it all ready. – Let's do it.
– Uh, how's the weather out? – It's pretty chilly, so– – Oh, it is?
– Yeah. – Well, I'm gonna grab me
a jacket, then. – Yeah. Good idea. And we got a blanket in case we wind up
sitting on the floor, but I don't want to
sit on the floor. Too hard to get up. I'd need a crane to get me up. [laughter] Don't want to be calling
no crane service.

– Okay, I'll get the blanket… – Come on, Sandy Lou.
– In case. – All right, you guys ready
for a picnic? I so hope
y'all are enjoying the show. And if you do. Be sure to click like,
subscribe and notification bell so
you'll never miss a video. And we'll be
right back after the break. – Oh, gosh.
– Oh, so pretty. – So beautiful down here. – It's so pretty. – Hopefully we'll have some
dolphins swim by. Wouldn't that be wonderful? – Ooh, yes, I love that. That's so great. – All right, I'm gonna– Make yourself comfortable,
Lulu. – Lulu's ready. – Make yourself comfortable. [laughs]
– Lulu's ready. – All right.
– Sweet girl. – There's our dessert. – I get to try it. – Mmm! [glass clinking]
– Lulu. – Lulu! – Lulu sees a sucker. – Well, she loves you so much,
Sandy. – I know. This is so good. All these flavors together. – I'm so glad. And this is one of those dishes that you can make it
any flavor you want to. You know,
you can make it Asian.

You could make it Greek. You could make it
Mediterranean. – Oh, that would be really
good. I would love that.
– Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I kind of made it
just American. – [laughs] – Mmm-mmm-mmm! [laughs]
Go on. – Get that piece of onion. I'm gonna get a bite
off of the side with the… – Mm-hmm. – What do you call that? – Mmm. That sweet onion
is so good on there. – Mm-hmm. Mmm. And the dressing. – Mmm. So good. – Mmm. – Isn't it delicious? – That is delicious.

– I can't stand it, Sandy. I got to–
[laughter] I've got to taste
my frozen banana. Jack's frozen banana. Oh, look.
[laughs] Mmm. – Yeah.
It's time. – Mmm!
It's like ice cream. – [laughs] – Mmm! The banana–
Mmm. When it freezes, it's got
consistency of ice cream. – Oh. Mmm! – Well, you want a bite, huh? Do you want a bite?
– Mmm! Yum. Mmm. – Oh, my god.
– [laughs] Isn't that yummy? – Oh.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Is that one?
– We got one? No, I think it's a bird. – Oh. – You know, I know you and I
have the same taste in food, so I feel like if I like it, I know that you'll like it.
– You know I like that. – Oh, and I need to remind you
to remind me I've got a bunch of collards
ready in the garden. – Oh.
We'll cook them? – We need to go cut collards
this afternoon and get a pot
of collards going, and I'll make us some
lace hoecake cornbread to go with it. – Mmm. – And we'll eat like a queen
for supper, honey.

– Ooh, yeah, for sure.
[laughter] – I hope y'all have enjoyed
your time with us today, and you know, I want to
encourage you to just– if you don't go any further
than your backyard, make you a little picnic
lunch and go out with a family
or friend and just enjoy
the out of doors. And you know
I'm always gonna be there to send you off with love
and best dishes. Sandy, thank you, baby,
for coming to see Bubba off and for being who you are. And thank y'all
for being who you are. – Thank you for feeding me. [laughs] So well.
– You're welcome. I love feeding you.
– Mm. Hey, y'all, it's Paula Deen. Now, if you enjoyed this video,
be sure to like it and click the subscribe button
as well as the notification and bail to be alerted
when I post a video. Love and Best Dishes Y'all.

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