White grape wine making at home

Harvest of white grapes of the "Muscat White" variety. Peel the grapes from twigs …. Pour the peeled grapes into a tall stainless steel container and grind them with a drill and a whisk for mixing construction mixtures … Cover the container with grapes with a lid and put it in a warm a place for fermentation … Stir the grapes while moving 2 times a day … After 4 days, the grapes stopped fermenting and the cap no longer rises. Take an old vegetable storage net and pour the grape pomace into it… Separate the must from the grape pulp… Filter the grape must through a fine metal mesh… Take a spoon and clean the mesh from small must particles to speed up the filtration process…

Pour small particles of must into the remaining grape pomace… Wait until the must stops flowing out of the grape pomace… And tightly tie the net with the pomace… Place a circle of metal or a lid on it… Press it with your hands to squeeze the must out of pomace of grapes…. Drain the squeezed must from the bowl… To carefully squeeze the must from the pomace, take clean rubber boots…

Place them on the lid with the pomace and put them on your feet… Press the pomace well with your whole body weight… Then take off your boots and drain the must squeezed out of the pomace… Pour the pomace back into a tall stainless container… Now the pomace is dry and almost no must is squeezed out of it… Add sugar to the grape must at the rate of 10 0-150 grams of sugar per liter of wort…. And stir the wort well until the sugar is completely dissolved in the wort… Pour the wort into a glass bottle for further fermentation…. Take a non-sterile medical rubber glove and make a puncture in one finger with a needle. .. Put a glove on the neck of the container to create a hydraulic seal … To prevent the glove from flying away from the pressure of carbon dioxide, fix it on the neck of the container with a rubber ring …

Add sugar to warm, settled tap water at the rate of 2 kilograms per 10 liters of water … Dissolve the sugar well in water… Pour the sweet water obtained into the squeezed grape pomace to produce the second wine… And put the pulp for fermentation in a container under the lid… After 7 days, the must stopped fermenting and sediment settled at the bottom of the container. Separate the wine from the sediment with a thin straw… Create a vacuum in the straw to drain the wine… The wine is well aerated when draining…. Pour the remaining sediment into a smaller container to further separate the wine from the sediment….

Wine separated from the sediment Pour again into a clean container… And put a hydraulic seal on the container… After 15 days, a small precipitate fell out of the wine at the bottom of the container…. No more carbon dioxide bubbles are emitted from the wine. Separate the wine from the sediment again with a thin tube… The wine has become transparent… Check the transparency of the wine in the light in a clean glass dish….

As found on YouTube
