A Sommelier’s Guide To Decanting Wine Without Sediment

this is not technically old school so I'm going to turn on the light in my phone so I want to take it and once you start deanon you don't want to stop because you want to stop going back and forth and you're kind of like mixing up the sediment in the wine we want to grab the deaner I want to put my thumb on the side here I don't want to rest glass to glass that's how it chips but basically what we want to do is want to take the bottle of wine rested on my thumb and I want to start pouring and basically I'm Illuminating just right after the neck and I can see when the sediment starts to come in when it starts to come I want to pour slower and trap it in the shoulder of the neck and my hand is getting really tired because this is an awkward pose and I don't want to drop this all right smells great

As found on YouTube
